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Mar 18, 2018
This week’s themeTosspot words This week’s words scofflaw killjoy sawbones spoilsport dreadnought How popular are they? Relative usage over time AWADmail archives Index Next week’s theme Words to describe people ![]() keeps on giving, all year long: A gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day or the gift of books ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AWADmail Issue 820A Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Other Tidbits about Words and LanguageFrom: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: Interesting stories from the Net EX-EXXON TEXAN EXEC REX NEXT EX-SEC Permalink Most Australian Indigenous Languages Came from Just One Place, Research Claims The Guardian Permalink From: Robert D. Beane (sebagojourney yahoo.com) Subject: 24th anniversary Happy Anniversary. Thank you, so much, for Making my day, a little more enjoyable. And for adding a little bit more, each day to my knowledge. Robert D. Beane, Standish, Maine From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: Tosspot words The tosspot contest brought in more than 400 entries. They were clever, funny, and thought-provoking. Some readers sent coined words that were interesting, but they weren’t tosspot words. A tosspot word has the form: verb + object, e.g. pickpocket. Winners, in no particular order, are:
Scoffpunk: Someone who displays contempt for punctuation and uses all
the various forms in ways they shouldn’t be used, such as quotations for
emphasis or apostrophes for plurals.
They will receive their choice of
a signed copy of any of my books or
a copy of the word game One Up!.-Sonia Lyris, Seattle, Washington (sonia lyris.org) Shirkirk: Someone who evades from going to church (as s/he is supposed to); the meaning may even be stretched to mean someone who avoids wedlock (by the church in particular). -Aqua Para, Hong Kong (paraaquaa gmail.com) Swirlpate: A vain man who, in an attempt to deny his true age, tries to hide his natural baldness by growing a long thin fringe of his remaining hair and artfully arranging it in a swirl over his hairless pate, deceiving no one but himself. Such men have a theme song: “We Shall Over-Comb!” -Joel Mabus, Portage, Michigan (joel.mabus pobox.com) Thanks to all for participating. Read on for honorable mentions and find more in the web supplement.
When my son was an adolescent, I described him to a friend as a real
watchtv. I think it unlikely this tosspot noun will ever catch on, which
makes me a bit of a doubtword.
Read more tosspot words in the Web Supplement.
-Dayamati Richard Hayes, Albuquerque, New Mexico (dayamati gmail.com) Nursenickel: A person who is five times more miserly than a pinchpenny. -Annie Graham, Chattanooga, Tennessee (caulfieldst epbfi.com) Bitenail: One who’s always worried about the circumstances surrounding them. -Raymond Muzaaya, Kampala, Uganda (muzaaya gmail.com) Spillbeans: Someone who can’t help but always give away the surprise. “I’m planning a surprise birthday party for my granddaughter. But don’t tell Sue! She’s a total spillbeans.” -Andrew Wigman, Munich, Germany (andrew.m.wigman gmail.com) What do I call senators, such as the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and what they do? Well, I might call them killbills. Because they essentially kill the legislation when it can never come up for a vote. There are other variations: quashbill, scotchbill, scuttlebill could apply, too. But killbill works, esp. in the context of gun violence, the issue of the day. -Nancy Ognanovich, Annapolis, Maryland (nognanov bgov.com) Showgun: A powerful person who uses antiquated and ambiguous legal language to justify the use of military technology in the slaughter of innocents. (Not to be confused with gun show where the trade in such technology is even less regulated than elsewhere in this least-regulated nation.) -Alan W. Ritch, Santa Cruz, California (aritch berkeley.edu) Toptale: One who turns conversations into competitions by one-upping the speaker. Example: If you laugh at yourself for binge-watching five episodes of Stranger Things, he saw both seasons in one sitting. If you ran your first 10k, he just did the Ironman. If you ruined your suit in the thunderstorm, his basement was flooded. If you saw Lin-Manuel Miranda on Broadway, he won VIP tickets and met him backstage. If your aunt just peacefully passed away, his died last week by spontaneous combustion. In short, he’s a relentless and insufferable toptale. -Margaret Stein, Omaha, Nebraska (stein_margaret bah.com) Throwstone: Someone who is judgmental towards others and blinded towards one’s own behavior. From the Bible John 8:7 “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” -Alexandra Duenow, Kansas City, Missouri (aduenow nts.edu) Jabberjog: One prone to bore you to tears with his latest fitness fad/gadget. -David Price, Hong Kong (dprice netvigator.com) Packtale: Many things a person says or talks about while packing to leave. -Talha Devecioglu, Istanbul, Turkey (whatthewhatwithwhat gmail.com) Moplens: One who habitually engages in displacement activities, such as constantly cleaning one’s eyeglasses, to avoid having to directly explain a compromised position or answer a difficult question. Thus one who nervously avoids condemnation. “Unlike Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s latest selection for press secretary has proven to be an inveterate moplens, repeatedly cleaning his eyeglasses with such fervor that reporters soon lose interest in pursuing their questions.” Jim Webster; Whipjokes and Wonkubines in Trump’s Whitehouse; Fake News Press; 2018. -Jim S. Webster, Berkeley, California (jsibleywebster mindspring.com) My beautiful fiancée can turn from a giggleguts to a grumbleguts in the blink of an eye. Both are quite cute, which seems to infuriate her even more when she’s being a grumblebum! -Jorge Arriagada, Brisbane, Australia (jorge.arriagada health.qld.gov.au) My fearless prediction is that at least 45 of your contributors will offer something along the lines of: Spewtweets: One who obsessively overwhelms the Twitterverse with noxious rants. -Al Billington, Fort Collins, Colorado (ruth60al comcast.net) Twisttweet: A tactical statement made by a very stable genius to base people. -Charles Harp, Victoria, Canada (texzenpro yahoo.com) Lobshade: A person who uses Twitter or other social media to level negative comments or criticism at another person, especially when unprovoked by current events or circumstances. Example: After a quiet week on his Twitter account, President Lobshade awakened early on Saturday for his lobshade habit, once again referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas. -Kathy Root, Norwalk, Ohio (kathygroot icloud.com) Flipfinger: A scofflaw with *real* attitude. -Kathy Matay, Great Falls, Virginia (kathymatay gmail.com) Although I have to undo autocorrect whenever I type it, a makebond is a chemist who is good at building molecules, whereas to make bond is what scofflaws do after they are arrested. -Preston J. MacDougall, PhD, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (preston.macdougall mtsu.edu) Slurpsoup: Someone with poor table manners. -Penelope Miller, London, UK (penelopemiller hotmail.com) Guttlesnopes: Someone obsessed with rooting out fake news. -James E. McLandress, Winnipeg, Canada (JMcLandress waa.ca) Shillfox: Someone who is an advocate and promoter of propaganda and misrepresented facts. -Rob Reber, Fort Mill, South Carolina (rreber comporium.net) Puffbladder: An overweight politician who talks poisonous nonsense, nonsense that is as dangerous as the venom from the similar-sounding Southern African snake. -Alistair Scott, Gland, Switzerland (alistair alistairscott.com) Trumptruth: 1. one who denies the truth by falsely calling it fake news. 2. a sad sad person. -Terry Troutt, Lakewood, Washington (deandog largerpurpose.com) Also sent by Harlan McKay, Las Cruces, New Mexico (Harlandlc yahoo.com) and Alan W. Ritch, Santa Cruz, California (aritch berkeley.edu) Spintruth: One who interprets facts to make them more favorable to their own self interests. -Maria Cypher, Oakland, California (maria catchwordbranding.com) Poisonmind: One who corrupts people’s minds (or) brings out the worst qualities in people through speech/discourse. -Sivaraman Masilamani, Northborough, Massachusetts (nallasivam gmail.com) Twisttruth: Someone who manipulates the truth or creates alternate facts to support an argument. -Josie Bergstrom, Norfolk, Virginia (JBergstr vbgov.com) blabfolly: the President chuckslur: the President flingbarb: the President grabgroin: the President heavewoe: the President slingbane: the President -Jeff Balch, Evanston, Illinois (balchowsky yahoo.com) Writepaper: A researcher who is obsessed with writing papers. -Dr. Ramakalyan Ayyagari, Tiruchirappalli, India (rkalyn nitt.edu) Spreadword: Someone who shares novel words with hundreds of thousands of people every day. Example: That Anu Garg is a real spreadword. -John Shillington, Edmonton, Canada (john.shillington gmail.com) Pamperheart: A very giving person, friendly, hospitable, that always makes you feel at home, providing all her/his effort and support without pretending anything. Usage: coming back from Asia, Alex was so glad to remeet old school mates after so many years, especially Lisa. She became soon his pamperheart, helping him to settle in the local community. -Andrea Fumagalli, Milan, Italy (andrea.fum gmail.com) From my ride into the office this morning: honkhorn and flipfinger. This morning’s traffic was bad and, as a result, richly mixed with hornhonks of varying ages and sexes as well as the occasional flipfinger. -Frank Brown, Atlanta, Georgia (frank.brown travelport.com) Scoffwork: One who displays contempt for work. Especially in minor ways, such as failure to perform rudimentary tasks. -Peter Conner, Rochester, Minnesota (conner.peter mayo.edu) Pouncepark: A motorist who hovers beside a bank of cars, waiting for the first hint of an available parking spot. -David Astle, Melbourne, Australia (davidast bigpond.net.au) How about a countbird for an Audubon member who is a regular at the bird counts? -Nancy Roe, Presque Isle, Maine (nancyproe gmail.com) My devised word is turntongue, a man or woman who frequently and ungracefully corrects his or her speech in mid-sentence, for fear of causing offence to his or her listener(s). -Henry Moursund, Corvallis, Oregon (henrymoursund gmail.com) Postface: Someone who posts a lot on Facebook and other social media. (Usage: “Omg, another pic of his dinner? What a postface!”) -Robin Eileen Bernstein, New York, New York (robin robineileenbernstein.com) Bobnoggin: A person who glibly or thoughtlessly agrees to anything they’re presented; a yes-man. -Sam Heck, Portland, Maine (sam.heck gmail.com) Lickboot: A sycophant (inspired by bootlicker). -Swaminathan Seetharaman, Coimbatore, India (swaminathan.seetharaman wipro.com) Spurnkin: A misanthrope. -Michael Har-Even, Jerusalem, Israel (har.even.m gmail.com) Hoover-Hoover: A supreme suck-up. This gem takes into account both the British and American use of hoover, which to Brits means to vacuum (Did you hoover the carpet?) and to Americans means a person who sucks up -- like a lickspittle! -Lissa Love Gay, Knoxville, Tennessee (gayl utk.edu) Houndpost: Someone who reads all of your posts on social media closely in order to discover something they can criticise or disagree with. -Rhiannon D’Averc, Tonbridge, Kent (rhidee hotmail.com) Snapself: Someone who is overly concerned with their social media image, continually posting selfies. -Alger Waller, Granville, Ohio (algerwaller yahoo.com) My tosspot coinages: cravefame, gildname, shiftblame (and grabdame?). -Marion Wolf, Bergenfield, New Jersey (marionewolf yahoo.com) Hugblunder: One who makes a mistake and pretends it was deliberate. Example: No matter what he does, his hugblunder followers think it is the best course of action. Imagine a group of followers so devout they would rally behind the “covfefe” typo. -Ancilleno Davis, Oxford, Ohio (davisao2 miamioh.edu) Dumptrump: A discerning voter. As in “Many dumptrumps showed up to vote in Pennsylvania.” -Peggy Hayes, Columbus, Ohio (peggy571 icloud.com) Squatbubble: One who only gets news from a small number of bias-confirming sources and never ventures beyond those sources. “The squatbubble settled into his well-worn sofa religiously every morning, just in time for ‘Fox and Friends’.” -Chris Crosby-Schmidt, Woodbury, Minnesota (crosb017 umn.edu) Tucktail: A politician or cabinet member retreating from the scrutiny of the justice dept., press, or the public. Snipwrinkle: A plastic surgeon. -Thomas Heenan, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia (thomasheenan99 yahoo.com) Rungutter: A word for candidates for, and members of, Congress and State Legislatures in America who attempt to obtain and maintain for life a position of prominence, power, and luxury while always avoiding any actual constructive work, by the easiest and cheapest method that there is: endlessly appealing to the lowest moral and ethical ugly gut feelings of their constituency at no matter what cost to the poorest and most vulnerable among them and no matter how many of them die much earlier than necessary due to their failure to provide protection or assistance. The number of Congressional and legislative rungutters have greatly increased recently. -Eugene Claburn, West Windsor, New Jersey (nowgene gmail.com) Holdbriefcase: It’s based on the colloquial Czech term Podržtaš for an insignificant assistant (whose sole job it is to hold someone’s briefcase), who often pretends to be an important businessperson. -Martin Sindelar, Princeton, New Jersey (msindelar ets.org) Vendmot: A purveyor of words. From French vendre (to sell) + mot (word). -Steve Donohue, North Augusta, South Carolina (donohuester gmail.com) My tosspot word is a combo of a “sort of” German word and slang, katzenschmoozen -- one who likes to cuddle or schmooze with cats. -Carol Simon, Wickenburg, Arizona (carolfsimon gmail.com) A number of years ago I used to do training in Spanish at a company in Mexico. One of the engineers there seemed to have an unfortunate talent for breaking the test programs written in class. I dubbed him mataprogramas (the program killer), from the Spanish matar (to kill). -Michael Moran, New Berlin, Wisconsin (mmoran digalogsys.com) Yiddish equivalent of a kissass could be a Kushtoches. -Jeffrey Ridenour, Crawfordville, Indiana (jridenour1 gmail.com) Spewlike: One who uses the word “like” at least three times in every sentence. -Jan Moursund, Eugene, Oregon (janetmoursund gmail.com) Killtruth: An individual, particularly a political spokesperson, who repeatedly denies obvious truths and pushes alternative facts. -Martin Cobern, Cheshire, Connecticut (mecobern cox.net) Stirpot: A person who intentionally stirs up an all ready fraught situation. Or, a person who intentionally creates or encourages controversy. -Paula Brown-Gray, Lambertville, Michigan (pbrowngray gmail.com) Venthorn: A person who talks incessantly but never listens. -Unal Norman, Ankara, Turkey (unalnorman gmail.com) From: Allan Stewart-Oaten (stewart lifesci.ucsb.edu) Subject: tosspot As a child in Australia, I learned (and memorized, of course) that our first Prime Minister was Sir Edmund Barton. Sounded impressive until we learned that he was known to his colleagues as “Toby Tosspot”. Allan Stewart-Oaten, Santa Barbara, California From: Karen Chung (karchung ntu.edu.tw) Subject: Exocentric compounds Here’s a link to an article I wrote some years ago on this word type Verb + Noun Function-Describing Compounds. Karen Chung, Taipei, Taiwan From: Ken Yap (kenyap.com.au gmail.com) Subject: tosspot words It seems to me that the Romance languages favour the verb-noun form, for example lavapiatti (Italian for dishwasher). Ken Yap, Sydney, Australia From: Ri Weal (kiwipoetri gmail.com) Subject: tosspot As you note, the more usual formation in English would be “pot-tosser” than “tosspot”. In French, however, it’s the other way round -- while we have a dishwasher, the French have une lave-vaisselle -- a “wash-dishes”. I wonder if the “tosspot” type formation is an influence from French? Ri Weal, Palmerston North, New Zealand From: Elizabeth Block (elizabethblock netzero.net) Subject: scofflaw I LOVE the photo of the scofflaw gull. I have an unrealized ambition to photograph a dog looking at the “No Dogs Allowed” sign on my local park. Elizabeth Block, Toronto, Canada From: Gautham Namasivayam (n_gautham hotmail.com) Subject: Scofflaw Wouldn’t quafflaw be a better word to describe a lawless drinker? N. Gautham, Chennai, India From: Shannon Conlon (shannon.conlon gmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--scofflaw The word scofflaw has inspired a new word in my vocabulary. My husband and I enjoy hiking with our dog, but she stays home when we hike in national parks where dogs are not allowed. When we see other hikers flouting the rules and bringing their dogs anyway, we refer to them as scoffpaws. Shannon Conlon, Seattle, Washington From: Daniel Miller (milldaniel gmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--killjoy There is the Spanish term, aguafiestas, that means much the same thing, a person who throws water on a party. Daniel Miller, Laredo, Texas From: Roderick Wilkins (roderick.wilkins verizon.net) Subject: dreadnought For those of us who are naval history buffs, this is a famous word. A new class of battleship, designed and built in total secrecy in under a year. A type to replace those who Admiral Fisher spoke of as “too weak to fight and too slow to run away”. Indeed, so much was his personal history associated with the ship that he chose as the motto for his coat of arms “Fear God and dread nought.” What a wonderful phrase! Roderick Wilkins, Dallas, Texas From: Jeff Coble (jeffry.coble gmail.com) Subject: dreadnought The dreadnought or dreadnoughtus (genus) is also a dinosaur of immense size. Likely a fearless dinosaur. Jeff Coble, Marietta, Georgia From: Francis Williamson (williamson sapo.pt) Subject: Dreadnought A dreadnought is also an engineering tool -- a file usually used for removing large quantities of metal from thick pieces of aluminium, brass, copper, etc. Francis Williamson, Algarve, Portugal From: James M. Kent (via website comments) Subject: dreadnought guitars What we think of today as a “normal sized” acoustic guitar was introduced only in 1916 by the CF Martin Company as the dreadnought -- the largest body they had made to that point, to address the need for great volume and projection. Until then, a “large” guitar (called a concert or, later, an orchestra model) was small by modern standards. Sales of the dreads did not pick up until they were adopted by blues musicians and later by bluegrass musicians, trying to cut through the ruckus of banjos and fiddles. When dreads became the instrument-of-choice for most of the 1950s-60s’ folkies, it became the standard. James M. Kent, Irvington, New York From: Alex McCrae (ajmccrae277 gmail.com) Subject: scofflaw & killjoy In this cartoon scenario, I was inspired by our somewhat comical USAGE example for the word “scofflaw”, regarding the wandering pooch who made a habit of running away from home, to the point where local law enforcement, in lieu of detentions in the pound, would always bring the offending doggie back to its rightful owner... in this instance, a frustrated, but thankful Mrs. Adams. She dutifully makes out a check for yet another “Scruffy” misdemeanor. Most of us have known certain “glass-half-empty”-type folks in our network of familiars, who have a knack for bursting our bubble of optimism or raining on our parade from time to time. In this scenario, so-called “Best Friend Forever” (BFF), Kate, manages to put an immediate damper on her friends’ joyfully announced upcoming nuptials, assuming her all too familiar killjoy role. Alex McCrae, Van Nuys, California From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: Anagrams of this week’s words
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: limericks When the scofflaw climbed up to his plane, His hair flapped around uncontained. His short middle finger Took no time to linger. “Fake wind!” he yelled with disdain. -Gayle Tremblay, Saint John, Canada (gayletremblay hotmail.com) The scofflaws graffitied his carport. One wrote, “Kilroy was here!” but then stopped short, As the owner appeared, Yelling “Killjoy is here!” Now why was that guy such a spoilsport? -Phyllis Morrow, Fairbanks, Alaska (phyllismorrow1 gmail.com) Billy the Kid was fast on the draw, A desperado he was, with many a flaw; The Law couldn’t abide This thorn in their side; He was one of many a scofflaw. -Marcia Sinclair, Newmarket, Canada (marciasinclair rogers.com) Did Stormy withdraw from the bra law? If so, she may well be a scofflaw. I know one thing for sure, She had sex with a boor And neither are lacking for chutzpah. -Joe Budd Stevens, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (joebuddstevens gmail.com) Indigenous people wish lockjaw Would muzzle Great Chief Bigly Scofflaw. “As voters you want us? Don’t mock Pocahontas!” Say tribes from Penobscot to Choctaw. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) A sour young man known as Gilroy Was renowned to his peers as a killjoy. When they urged “Just let loose!” He’d respond “What’s the use?” To which they replied, “You’re a pill, boy!” -Jonathan Krejci, Princeton, New Jersey (jonkrejci1 gmail.com) Hi! Without trying to be a killjoy I would say to Spieth, Rose, and McIlroy, “Guys beware, Tiger is there, Winning trophies he’s going to enjoy!” -Monica Broom, Morogoro, Tanzania (monicabroom2015 gmail.com) At movies, a very shrill boy Behind me began to annoy. He’d kick with his feet The back of my seat. I wanted to kill that killjoy. -Joan Perrin, Port Jefferson Station, New York (perrinjoan aol.com) “There was no one like Anne for a shagging,” Said Henry, “But then came her nagging. When wife becomes killjoy I use the ‘Boleyn Ploy,’ And shortly her toe they are tagging.” -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) Those men who wore both blue and gray, as they charged right into the fray, gave no thought to sawbones, or their years drowned in moans -- much to wives’ and girlfriends’ great dismay! -Brenda J. Gannam, Brooklyn, New York (gannamconsulting earthlink.net) As the nose continued to elongate, it soon became a crisis of the state. After the Leader’s tweets midnight, it’d grow an inch outright! A malaise the sawbones tried hard to expiate. -Shyamal Mukherji, Mumbai, India (mukherjis hotmail.com) Poor Cyrano’s nose was pathetic, But all could have been copacetic. The lovely Roxane Might have run to this man If a sawbones had changed his aesthetic. -Judy Distler, Teaneck, New Jersey (jam1026 aol.com) Out west in old Dodge lived a sawbones Who lived off the setting of jawbones. The saloon every night Was the scene of a fight When the girls from upstairs set off hormones. -Janice Power, Cleveland, Ohio (janicepower25 gmail.com) As chief Starship Enterprise sawbones, McCoy snapped at Spock in quite raw tones. “In sick bay quit skulkin’, You green-blooded Vulcan, I’m taking good care of Jim’s gallstones.” -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) According to the news report, There was a porn star he’d escort. He would deny it, If she’d be quiet, But Stormy is Donald’s spoilsport. -Marion Wolf, Bergenfield, New Jersey (marionewolf yahoo.com) The scofflaw, when hauled into court, Called the cop a killjoy, a spoilsport. He got five to ten And was jailed yet again Like a dreadnought returning to port. -Sara Hutchinson, New Castle, Delaware (sarahutch2003 yahoo.com) Being a spoilsport can be neat. Send Trump a really nasty tweet. You absolutely know It will mess with his ego, And watching him react is sweet. -Lois Mowat, Orinda, California (lmowat1810 gmail.com) When Augustus commanded, “Destroy her fort,” Said Cleo to Marc, “What a spoilsport! He wants us alive, But our love won’t survive, So it’s time to your former employer thwart.” -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) “In Parkland I’d have been a dreadnought,” he declared, though in no war had he fought, thanks to bigly bone spurs, thanks to all those defers. Back then, danger was never what he sought. -Zelda Dvoretzky, Haifa, Israel (zeldahaifa gmail.com) The sly thief was a cunning dreadnought, With no kind of concern to forethought. He robbed banks with such ease, Till he let out a sneeze, Dropped the loot and was finally caught. -Judith Marks-White, Westport, Connecticut (joodthmw gmail.com) The guy was well-traveled, well-read, brought up just the way a well-bred ought. And yet, ‘twas his fate never to date. He was shy; ladies wanted a dreadnought. -Anne Thomas, Sedona, Arizona (antom earthlink.net) Paroled after being with bread caught, Valjean ran for years from a dreadnought. Great danger he’d brave, Cosette’s lover to save From the place where the soon-to-be-dead fought. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) Subject: Puns on tosspots Speaking of flaws, his scofflaw is that he doesn’t cover his mouth. Before Ms. Behar’s apology to VP Pence, some folks wanted to killjoy. We sawbones of dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History. When the tanker leaked in the harbor the headline read, “OIL SPOILSPORT”. To all but Alexander the Great, the Gordian was a dreadnought. Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
There is no doubt that I have lots of words inside me; but at moments, like
rush-hour traffic at the mouth of a tunnel, they jam. -John Updike, writer
(18 Mar 1932-2009)
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