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Apr 3, 2019
This week’s themeWords that turn into other words when beheaded This week’s words erose scow vaward thew pelf Send a gift that keeps on giving, all year long: A gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day or the gift of books A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargvaward
noun: The forefront; vanguard.
From vaumward/vamward, from vantward, from Old French avantward,
from avant (before) + garde (guard). Earliest documented use: 1400.
“In the movement towards this road, the Athenians who formed the left
wing were naturally the vaward, and it was upon them that the trying
duty would devolve of first crossing the bridge in the face of Persian
cavalry.” J.B. Bury; A History of Greece; Macmillan; 1900. “Falstaff: You that are old consider not the capacities of us that are young ... we that are in the vaward of our youth.” William Shakespeare; Henry IV, Part 2; 1596-1599. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point.
-Mistinguett, singer (3 Apr 1875-1956)
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