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May 10, 2021
This week’s themeShirts This week’s words unshirted arrow-collar button-down sleeveless shirttail Previous week’s theme Well-traveled words A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargUnshirted is not the same as shirtless (poor) or descamisado and neither one is the opposite of shirty (bad-tempered). That’s language for you. Try not to take it literally. Rarely works. Shirted or not -- whatever your sartorial preferences -- we aim to add new words to your linguistic wardrobe. Enjoy this week’s fashion parade of words, all derived from shirts and their parts. We’ll cover it all, from the collar to the shirt tail. Cartoon: Dan Piraro
adjective: 1. Serious; unmitigated. 2. Plain; undisguised. ETYMOLOGY:
From un- (not) + shirt, from Old English scyrte. Earliest documented use: 1932.
“Trump did outdo former holders of the office in one regard: producing
unshirted chaos.” Doyle McManus; How Do Biden’s First 100 Days in Office Compare with Trump’s?; Los Angeles Times; Apr 25, 2021. “Maloof first gave Carter his unshirted opinion about some of his recent votes.” Tom Baxter & Jim Galloway; Lebanese Legend Gets Irish Wake; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Georgia); Aug 13, 2004. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The softer you sing, the louder you're heard. -Donovan, musician (b. 10 May
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