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Feb 26, 2019
This week’s themeTosspot words This week’s words catchall pinchpenny scrapegut rakehell do-all Photo: Kevin Trotman
with Anu Gargpinchpenny
adjective: Unwilling to spend or give money. noun: A miserly person. ETYMOLOGY:
From pinch, from Old French pincier (to pinch) + penny (the smallest
denomination of currency). Earliest documented use: 1425.
The word penny-pincher is a synonym of pinchpenny, but you have to
admit, it doesn’t have quite the same zing as the tosspot word. Another
synonym of today’s word is pinchgut, but catchpenny
is something entirely different.
“At the Dollar Market ... Freddy was a steady customer, if a bit of a
pinchpenny. He browsed, but never bought.” Peter Schworm; Town in Tears over Gadabout Gobbler; Boston Globe (Massachusetts); Aug 8, 2009. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Humankind's wounds, those huge sores that litter the world, do not stop at
the blue and red lines drawn on maps. -Victor Hugo, poet, novelist, and
dramatist (26 Feb 1802-1885)
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