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Jul 7, 2023
This week’s themeMisleading words This week’s words cantrip maladdress asportation epicrisis oxytone Illustration: Anu Garg + AI This week’s comments AWADmail 1097 Next week’s theme Skunk words (words to avoid) A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargoxytone
adjective: Having stress on the last syllable. noun: A word having stress on the last syllable. ETYMOLOGY:
From Greek oxys (acute) + tonos (tone). Earliest documented use: 1720.
As you can see from its pronunciation, oxytone is a do-as-I-say
kind of word, not do-as-I-do. Once you have mastered oxytone, here are
some advanced members of this family: paroxytone: the second to last syllable stressed proparoxytone: third from last syllable stressed As a proper name, Oxytone can be a music pedal, vent, steroid, intestinal cleanser, hair bleacher, and a book. Will the real oxytone stand up? If you’re fond of stress on the last syllable and feel like making oxytone at home, here’s the chemical reaction that should work, though we haven’t tried it ourselves: oxygen + acetone = oxytone + acegen The byproduct acegen is believed to be a pain reliever. USAGE:
“What a lot our language misses by the clipped and oxytone ‘lament’!” Egerton Castle & Agnes Castle; A Little House in War Time; Good Press; 2022. See more usage examples of oxytone in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its
creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so. -Robert A.
Heinlein, science-fiction author (7 Jul 1907-1988)
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