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Dec 2, 2024
This week’s themeIllustrated words This week’s words mimetic gobbledygook berserk kindler fairy-tale Illustration: Leah Palmer Preiss Previous week’s theme Words that sound dirty, but aren’t A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargEvery year, as the first hints of spring arrive, I hand a list of words to artist Leah Palmer Preiss (curiousartlab at gmail.com). That’s where my role ends and her magic begins. I imagine her poring over each word, carefully measuring humor and whimsy, adding a pinch of mischief and a generous dose of playfulness to create a unique visual recipe. By the year’s end, a digital package of five paintings arrives, each pixel brimming with magic and much more. This week we feature those five words and the paintings. Leah’s work transforms words into visual poetry, blending charm, creativity, and boundless imagination. See her previous creations for A.Word.A.Day, here. mimetic
adjective: Copying the behavior, appearance, or characteristics of others.
From Greek mimetikos (imitation), from mimesis, from mimeisthai (to
imitate). Earliest documented use: 1632.
“So our desire is not some neutral, private thing. It is mimetic of other people’s.” Alexandra Schwartz; Tell Me What You Want; The New Yorker; Oct 4, 2021. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
There are a few times in life when you leap up and the past that you'd been
standing on falls away behind you, and the future you mean to land on is
not yet in place, and for a moment you're suspended knowing nothing and no
one, not even yourself. -Ann Patchett, writer (b. 2 Dec 1963)
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