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Nov 15, 2023
This week’s themeWell-traveled words This week’s words angary serenade Zion assassin aprosexia
Mount Zion
Photo: Kyle Taylor
with Anu GargZion or Sion
noun: 1. Utopia. 2. Heaven. 3. The collective term for the Jewish people. 4. The religious and cultural practices and beliefs of Judaism. 5. A reference to the nation of Israel, especially in a historical or religious context. ETYMOLOGY:
From Old English Sion, from Latin Sion, from Greek Seion, from Hebrew
Siyon. Historically, Zion refers to one of the hills on which Jerusalem
was built thus holding significant religious and cultural importance in
Judaism. Earliest documented use: c. 450 CE.
“I’d say: Pain -- whether our own pain, or learning of someone else’s --
is a Zion. It’s the place our wisest teacher lives.” Natashia Deon; Lessons in Our Painful History; Los Angeles Times; Nov 2, 2021. See more usage examples of Zion in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
He who, when called upon to speak a disagreeable truth, tells it boldly and
has done, is both bolder and milder than he who nibbles in a low voice and
never ceases nibbling. -Johann Kaspar Lavater, poet, writer, philosopher
(15 Nov 1741-1801)
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