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Feb 15, 2023
This week’s themeWords for colors This week’s words aeneous argent stramineous rubicund virescent
A stramineous purse
Meaning 1: Yes Meaning 2: Yes Meaning 3: No (It sells for $60) Photo: Hobbs
with Anu Gargstramineous
adjective: 1. Straw-colored. 2. Of or relating to straw. 3. Like straw: Valueless. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin stramen (straw). Earliest documented use: 1624.
“Glistening yellow in the stramineous light, the worms boiled and reared
and thudded in fury.” Brian Aldiss; Hothouse; Faber and Faber; 1962. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The question is not Can they reason?, nor Can they talk?, but Can they
suffer? -Jeremy Bentham, jurist and philosopher (15 Feb 1748-1832)
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