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Aug 18, 2022
This week’s themeWords that aren’t what they appear to be This week’s words plutography miniate irredentist recurse decalcomania Image: Wikimedia
with Anu Gargrecurse
verb tr., intr. 1. To describe, define, or perform something in terms of itself. 2. To perform an operation by repeated application of a technique, such that the results of the first step are put through the same technique again. NOTES:
If you have seen a photo of a photo of a photo of a ... you have
seen the results of a recursing. In computer programming, sometimes the
most elegant solution is to recurse, for example, in calculating the
factorial of a number. While computers are relatively recent, artists
have been recursing for a long time. See also: mise en abyme. What would it look like if someone were to curse in a recursive manner? ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin recurrere (to run back), from re- (again) + currere (to run).
Earliest documented use: 1965.
“But as I recursed through the doors time and time again, what was
changing? Nothing seemed to change? I seemed to be caught in an
endless loop that would eventually lead to madness.” Gil Waugh; Mind Surfing; iUniverse; 2008. “I will break society’s recursing corruption. Civilization is reaching its base case.” Justin March; American Hex; BookRix; 2013. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you
an activist and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare
doesn't make a corporation a terrorist. -Winona LaDuke, activist,
environmentalist, economist, and writer (b. 18 Aug 1959)
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