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Jun 23, 2021
This week’s themeRodents This week’s words myology mouse potato rat race mousy clicktivism
“Dude, have you found the cheese yet?”
Cartoon: Dan Piraro
with Anu Gargrat race
noun: A repetitive competitive activity, such as the modern working life in which one constantly struggles to attain wealth, status, etc.
From rat, from Old English raet (rat) + race, from Old Norse ras (race).
Earliest documented use: 1937.
The term started out as a literal racing of rats (earliest use
1783). Then it was used as military slang (1931) to refer to planes or
ships chasing each other or racing. Eventually the term evolved into its
current sense. Imagine a rat running through a laboratory maze to find
another piece of cheese or an employee hoping to climb the next rung of
the corporate ladder while sacrificing personal health and peace and
you’d have a good idea of the term rat race. In French, a popular
expression métro, boulot, dodo (commute, work, sleep) refers to the
daily grind. Also see, sisyphean.
“Tayler had submerged herself into this slowpaced life and wasn’t
ready to get back to the rat race.” Bridget Anderson; When I Fall in Love; Harlequin Kimani; 2016. See more usage examples of rat race in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is
your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once
in a while and watch your answers change. -Richard Bach, writer (b. 23 Jun
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