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Aug 23, 2022
This week’s themeMovies that became words This week’s words groundhog day rashomon King Kong Mad Max Godzilla Image: Redbubble
with Anu Gargrashomon
adjective: Relating to differing accounts or subjective interpretations of an event.
After the 1950 Japanese film Rashomon (based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s
1922 short story “In a Grove”) which showed a crime described by different
people in different ways. Earliest documented use: 1961.
In the film Rashomon, four people (a bandit, a samurai, his wife,
and a woodcutter) narrate the details of a crime differently. Their stories
are plausible, yet contradictory. The film touches upon the unreliability
of eyewitnesses and the subjective nature of truth, reality, and memory.
This phenomenon is also known as the Rashomon effect. The traditional story
of the elephant and six blind men is another instance of this. It’s good to
remember this the next time we feel too confident in our beliefs,
perceptions, and experiences. Ultimately, we all can be unreliable narrators.
“The rashomon stories recounting the death of Jhondie Maglinte Helis are
typical of the Philippines’ war on drugs under President Rodrigo Duterte.
... The officers say they shot and killed the pair after both of them
drew guns in an attempt to resist arrest. Civilian witnesses tell a
different, if depressingly familiar, story: that the officers captured
and summarily executed [them].” Silenced Witness; The Economist (London, UK); Jun 26, 2021. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
If an animal does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing
for the same reason, we call it intelligence. -Will Cuppy, journalist (23
Aug 1884-1949)
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