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Jul 1, 2021
This week’s themeWords with many meanings This week’s words dobber bruit cameo pillbox plight
A British WWII pillbox
Photo: Wikimedia
Jackie Kennedy in a pillbox, 1963
Photo: Cecil W. Stoughton / Wikimedia
with Anu Gargpillbox
noun: 1. A small container for pills. 2. A small fortified enclosure, used for firing weapons, observing, etc. 3. A small brimless hat with a flat top and straight sides. 4. Something small or ineffectual. ETYMOLOGY:
From pill, from Latin pilula (little ball), from pila (ball) + box, from
Old English, from Latin buxis, from pyxis (boxwood box), from Greek pyxis,
from pyxos (box tree). Earliest documented use: 1702.
“A few yards from a Czech Army pillbox built as a defense against Nazi
Germany, the archaeologists discovered a cattle bone.” Andrew Higgins; Slavs and Germans Weren’t Always Rivals, Rune Finding Suggests; The New York Times; May 16, 2021. “Honey touched the pillbox sitting on top of her head, still there covering her blond hair’s dark roots.” Elmore Leonard; Up in Honey’s Room; William Morrow; 2007. “We do not buy the line that it was just a pillbox thrown by some kids. The damage was too extensive.” Manila Bombings Must Be Solved; The Filipino Express (Jersey City, New Jersey); Jun 4, 2000. See more usage examples of pillbox in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary
ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self
denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. -George
Sand [pen name of Amantine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin], novelist (1 Jul 1804-1876)
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