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Aug 28, 2019
This week’s themePalindromes This week’s words ere ecce minim tirrit murdrum Image: Denelson83/Wikimedia
with Anu Gargminim
noun: 1. The least amount of anything. 2. In music, a half note. 3. A unit of liquid measure, equivalent to 1/60 of a fluid dram (about one drop of liquid). 4. In calligraphy, a short vertical stroke, as in the letters i, m, n, u. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin minimus (smallest, least). Earliest documented use: 1440.
“There’s a minim of grace in that gesture, of self-forgiveness and, yes,
of hope, however fugitive.” William Giraldi; ‘This Life Is Not Easy’: The Redemption of Raymond Carver; Commonweal (New York); May 3, 2019. “Her mother would think as she spoke, in italics, while father, who supplemented his orchestral salary by copying music, would put each idea slowly and deliberately into his mind in the way he put minims to paper.” Margaret Holmes; Ye Who Know Love: ‘Sophie’; Rowan Holmes; 2008. “Measuring with a dropper eight minims of Tincura Opii into a glass of sherry, the chemist JG. Hallam, late of Camden Town, said to himself, I am an average man. This was a somatic measurement. No, a judgment, as twelve minims of laudanum was sufficient to put an average man to sleep.” Michael Redhill; Consolation; Anchor Canada; 2009. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying, too
zealously, to make it easy for them. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet,
dramatist, novelist, and philosopher (28 Aug 1749-1832)
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