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Aug 28, 2017
This week’s themeLinked words This week’s words gung ho ho-hum humbug bugbear bear leader
Gung Ho! A film based on the Makin Island raid led by Lt. Col. Evans Carlson
Image: IMDB
with Anu GargThis week’s words are gung-ho, in a literal manner. They work together. They hold hands. How? It’ll become clear as the week progresses. Once you see it, what is the longest word chain you can make in this manner? Email it to us at words@wordsmith.org. gung ho
adjective: Extremely eager and enthusiastic.
From Chinese gonghe, an acronym from the Gongye Hezuoshe (Chinese Industrial
Cooperative Society). The term gonghe was interpreted to mean “work together”
and was introduced as a training slogan by US Marine Corps officer Evans
Carlson (1896-1947). Earliest documented use: 1942.
“And although Brian Van Reet won a Bronze Star for valour, he clearly
isn’t gung-ho about the American war effort.” Mike Doherty; Spoils (book review); Maclean’s (Toronto, Canada); Apr 24, 2017. See more usage examples of gung ho in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Too many parents make life hard for their children by trying, too zealously,
to make it easy for them. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet, dramatist,
novelist, and philosopher (28 Aug 1749-1832)
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