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Jan 9, 2024
This week’s themeForgotten positives This week’s words capacitate eptitude mediate maculate nocent Illustration: Anu Garg + AI
with Anu Gargeptitude
noun: Skill or proficiency in a situation or a task.
Back-formation from ineptitude, from Latin aptus (apt, fitted),
past participle of apere (fasten). Earliest documented use: 1967.
“Desperate vegetation clung to cracks in the rocks, demonstrating
nature’s marvelous eptitude at making the best of a hellish situation.” John Vorhaus; The Albuquerque Turkey; Bafflegab Books; 2013. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others,
by means of love, friendship, indignation, and compassion. -Simone de
Beauvoir, author and philosopher (9 Jan 1908-1986)
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