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Jun 7, 2017
This week’s themeNouns that became verbs This week’s words showboat gaslight degauss Shakespeare prodnose
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Image: Wikimedia
with Anu Gargdegauss
verb tr. 1. To demagnetize. 2. To erase a disk or other storage device. ETYMOLOGY:
From gauss, a unit of magnetic field strength, named after the mathematician
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). Earliest documented use: 1940.
You can friend & defriend and
you can magnetize & demagnetize, but you can only degauss, you can’t gauss. You
can debunk, but not bunk, and you can defenestrate,
but not fenestrate. What other words like this can you think of?
“She degaussed the magnetic catch on the cover plate of the nearest door.” Barbara Hambly; Star Trek: Crossroad; Pocket Books; 2000. See more usage examples of degauss in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Truth-tellers are not always palatable. There is a preference for candy
bars. -Gwendolyn Brooks, poet (7 Jun 1917-2000)
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