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Aug 31, 2021
This week’s themeWords with unusual pronunciations This week’s words blackguard cwm victual gunwale sidhe
Cirque de Navacelles, France
Zwm in to see a little town at the base Photo: Phi-Gastrein / Wikimedia
with Anu Gargcwm
noun: A steep bowl-shaped mountain basin, carved by glaciers. Also known as a cirque.
From Welsh cwm (valley). Earliest documented use: 1853.
The letter w works as a vowel in the Welsh language and it has
given us another such word (without a standard English vowel aeiou, or y):
crwth (krooth) meaning crowd (an ancient Celtic stringed instrument). We
have also borrowed a synonym of the word cwm from another language:
cirque from French.
“Often, the water gathered in the cwms before overflowing to the valley
below.” Peter Bond; Exodus: Earth Fights Back; Eloquent Books; 2010. See more usage examples of cwm in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is
polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late,
that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can't eat money. -Alanis
Obomsawin, filmmaker (b. 31 Aug 1932)
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