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Jun 23, 2023
This week’s themeWords from science This week’s words radioactive broad-spectrum high-octane viral critical mass
“That tie does nothing for you.”
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with Anu Gargcritical mass
noun: The minimum amount or number of something required to initiate or sustain a process or effect.
From nuclear physics where critical mass is the smallest amount of
nuclear material needed for a chain reaction. Earliest documented
use: 1941.
Outside of physics, the critical mass of something can be seen as
the tipping point, a stage of adoption where it begins to be useful or
effective. For instance, critical mass can refer to the point at which
a new word (like asporteist),
technology (like fax machines), software (like WhatsApp), or social
network (like Facebook) become widespread.
“But as a critical mass of mustache wearers has gathered, the style has
slowly become free of the subculture associations it garnered in the 1980s.” Shira Telushkin; The Mustache Is Back; The New York Times; Jun 1, 2023. See more usage examples of critical mass in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
What the Caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a
butterfly. -Richard Bach, writer (b. 23 Jun 1936)
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