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Mar 14, 2022
This week’s themeYou guess the words This week’s words antre --e-- --s-- --l-- --e-- Previous week’s theme Overachievers from mythology A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargTwenty-eight years ago, on this day in 1994, I started what became Wordsmith.org. There was no grand plan -- just a way to share my love of language and words. After all this time, I still can't wait to wake up, explore words, write about them, and share them with you. Whether you joined us this week or years or decades ago, we are happy to have you here. You are what really makes Wordsmith.org. Dictionaries do not list a word for a 28th anniversary but we can coin one: octovicennial, from Latin octo- (eight) + vicennial (20th anniversary). GUESS-THE-WORDS CONTEST To celebrate the octovicennial, this week we are having a contest. You have the first word of the week. Can you guess what other words I have picked this week? Here are some hints.
PRIZES Your choice of a signed copy of any of my books or a copy of the word game One Up! HOW TO ENTER Email your answers to words@wordsmith.org. Include your location (city, state). On to today’s word ... antre
noun: A cave, cavern, cavity, etc.
From Middle French antre (cave), from Latin antrum (cave), from Greek
antron (cave). Earliest documented use: 1585.
“And they mortar’d up the antre’s opening.” Aleksis Kivi (translation: Douglas Robinson); The Brothers Seven; Zeta Books; 2017. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new
courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth.
-Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (14 Mar 1879-1955)
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