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Feb 5, 2021
This week’s themeEponyms This week’s words faustian turveydropian gallionic dunce vandalize
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with Anu Gargvandalize
verb tr.: To willfully damage another’s property.
After Vandals, a Germanic tribe who overran Gaul, Spain, and northern
Africa, and in 455 CE sacked Rome. Earliest documented use: 1800.
“Mobs of Trump supporters, hopped up on Trump’s conspiracy theory of a
stolen election and encouraged to go to the Capitol by the President
himself, stormed and vandalized our nation’s Capitol building. ... “[Mitch] McConnell himself stood by while the seeds of extremism were planted, leading to -- in his words -- ‘the unhinged crowd’, or, in other words, the domestic terrorists who came for him and his fellow legislators.” Daniel Lubetzky; There’s Only One Way to Stop Violent Extremists; CNN; Jan 12, 2021. See more usage examples of vandalize in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
It is difficult to picture the great Creator conceiving of a program of one
creature (which He has made) using another living creature for purposes of
experimentation. There must be other, less cruel ways of obtaining
knowledge. -Adlai Stevenson II, lawyer, politician, and diplomat (5 Feb 1900-1965)
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