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May 16, 2019
This week’s themePortmanteaux or blend words This week’s words hermaphrodite meeple cremains shero prissy
Malala Yousafzai
Art: Michael Volpicelli
with Anu Gargshero
noun: A woman admired for her courage, achievements, or noble qualities.
A blend of she + hero, from Latin heros (a demigod or man with heroic
qualities; [plural: heroes]), from Greek heros. Ultimately from the
Indo-European root ser- (to protect), which also gave us conserve,
observe, preserve, and reserve. Earliest documented use: 1836.
“When I met you in New York, you were my shero. I wanted to be you.” Brandyn Barbara Artis; Running Barefoot in Paris; Xlibris; 2011. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
As a general truth, communities prosper and flourish, or droop and decline,
in just the degree that they practise or neglect to practise the primary
duties of justice and humanity. -William Henry Seward, Secretary of State,
Governor, and Senator (16 May 1801-1872)
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