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Jul 16, 2019
This week’s themeWords originating in the moon This week’s words superlunary meniscus moonstruck blue moon lunule
Meniscus of the knee
Image: Andrew Meyerson / Wikimedia
with Anu Gargmeniscus
noun 1. The curved surface of a column of liquid. 2. Something having a crescent-shape. 3. A lens that is concave on one side and convex on the other. 4. A thin cartilage disk between bones in a joint, such as in a knee or wrist. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin, from Greek meniskos (crescent), diminutive of mene (moon).
Earliest documented use: 1686.
“My father listens silently, but I can feel a meniscus of rage rising
in him, coating his throat with bile.” Siddhartha Mukherjee; Runs in the Family; The New Yorker; Mar 28, 2016. See more usage examples of meniscus in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Every student needs someone who says, simply, "You mean something. You
count." -Tony Kushner, playwright (b. 16 Jul 1956)
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