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May 4, 2022
This week’s themeNew words This week’s words clickbait omnishambles listicle acquihire paywall
20th century headlines rewritten to get more clicks
Cartoon: Randall Munroe / xkcd
with Anu Garglisticle
noun: An article or other piece of writing structured in the form of a list.
A blend of list + article. From Old English liste (border, strip) and
Latin articulus (small joint), from artus (joint). Earliest documented
use: 2007. Clickbaits often
lead to listicles.
“Jesus, if I was to write a listicle on how to kickstart a successful
marriage, that would be rule number one. Figure out how much you hate
each other before you say ‘I do.’” Kate Meader; Dawn with Love; Loveswept; 2018. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Do not think of knocking out another person's brains because he differs in
opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head
because you differ from yourself ten years ago. -Horace Mann, educational
reformer (4 May 1796-1859)
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