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Nov 28, 2023
This week’s themeBack-formations This week’s words liaise jerry-build osmose manumise enthuse Illustration: Anu Garg + AI
with Anu Gargjerry-build
verb tr.: To build cheaply and sloppily.
Back-formation from jerry-built. Further derivation unknown. Earliest
documented use: 1832.
Do not confuse jerry-build with jury-rig
(to fix something using whatever is at hand). Some have even coined a
third term, jerry-rig, most likely a blend of jerry-build + jury-rig.
Where to use which one? jerry-build: when you do something cheaply and sloppily jury-rig: when you do something in a makeshift or temporary manner due to lack of proper time or materials jerry-rig: when you are neither a rocket scientist nor a brain surgeon, yet are called upon to do brain surgery aboard a rocket USAGE:
“I grew up in a jerry-built 1930s terraced house in an unfashionable
London suburb. My father, a writer, made it his goal to one day match
the annual salary of a London bus driver: When that thrilling day came,
in the 1980s, he took the whole family out to KFC to celebrate. But one
of the curiosities of the English class system is that it is defined by
style as much as money.” Jemima Lewis; The Prejudice Against Brown Shoes Is a Classic Case of Class Snobbery (Permalink); The Telegraph (London, UK); Sep 2, 2016. See more usage examples of jerry-build in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
One law for the lion and ox is oppression. -William Blake, poet, engraver,
and painter (28 Nov 1757-1827)
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