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Sep 27, 2018
This week’s themeTosspot words This week’s words spitfire shuteye rotgut clutchfist fusspot Photo: Farouq Taj
with Anu Gargclutchfist
noun: A miser.
Describing someone who clutches money in a fist. From Old English clyccan
(to clench) + fyst (fist). Earliest documented use: 1643.
“Are you really such a clutchfist that you would throw away a London
Season only to avoid spending a few guineas?” Julie Caille; The Scandalous Marquis; Zebra Books; 1990. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the
highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its
experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. -Samuel Adams, revolutionary (27
Sep 1722-1803)
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