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Apr 13, 2023
This week’s themeWords about words This week’s words anastrophe auxesis apothegm anacronym merismus Photo: Lisa Beebe
Then there is:
FCUK (French Connection UK) A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Garganacronym
noun: An acronym or abbreviation whose expansion is not widely known.
Either a blend of anachronism
+ acronym, or from an- (not) + acronym. The word acronym is from Greek acro-
(height, tip) + -nym (word, name). Earliest documented use: 1963.
As an acronym becomes an everyday word, it typically loses its
uppercase form, for example, laser or radar. People use the word unaware
that it’s an acronym: laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation radar = radio detection and ranging The word is also used for acronyms known within a small group. USAGE:
“‘Rats,’ said Tony. ‘What did I hear? Who said that’ The sergeant demanded. ‘R.A.T.S.’ Tony said. ‘Roll and Triage Session, it’s an anacronym.’ Robert Franklin Jackson; The Blues of Portsmouth P.D.; Xlibris; 2019. “I use the anacronym BAD for her kind. Beautiful And Deadly.” Ebony Olson; Protective Instinct; Eb&Muse; 2021. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Protesting is an act of love. It is born of a deeply held conviction that
the world can be a better, kinder place. Saying "no" to injustice is the
ultimate declaration of hope. -Amy Goodman, investigative journalist,
columnist, and author (b. 13 Apr 1957)
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