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Feb 5, 2019
This week’s themeWords made with combining forms This week’s words mycology ailurophile orogeny epigeal nidifugous Photo: Cavale Doom
with Anu Gargailurophile
noun: One who loves cats.
From Greek ailuro- (cat) + -phile (lover). Earliest documented use: 1914.
There have been some serious ailurophiles over the years.
Examples: Ben Rea of UK who left $13 million to his black cat Blackie
or Maria Assunta of Italy who also left $13 million to her black cat Tommaso. If there are any black cats reading this, I recommend they use Google to find their nearest aging ailurophile with a net worth of $13 million. Or they could just start a YouTube channel. The opposite of an ailurophile is ailurophobe. USAGE:
“It’s said in publishing that no cat book ever loses money. Maybe it’s
true: bibliophiles tend to be ailurophiles, and both are tenacious
breeds.” Emily Toth; Meow mix; Women’s Review of Books (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); Jul 1, 1995. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
A hungry man is not a free man. -Adlai Stevenson, statesman (5 Feb
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