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Feb 7, 2019
This week’s themeWords made with combining forms This week’s words mycology ailurophile orogeny epigeal nidifugous
L: Epigeal germination (mung bean)
R: Hypogeal germination (garden pea) Photo: BlueRidgeKitties
with Anu Gargepigeal
adjective: Living close to the ground, as certain plants.
From Greek epi- (upon) + -geal (relating to earth), from ge (earth).
Earliest documented use: 1861.
“He trotted along as if stepping on epigeal plant life, no longer concerned
about his height above the true floor of the forest.” Steven L. Davenport; A Father’s Love; Tate; 2011. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Language is mobile and liable to change. It is a free country, and man may
call a "vase" a "vawse", a "vahse", a "vaze", or a "vase", as he pleases.
And why should he not? We do not all think alike, walk alike, dress alike,
write alike, or dine alike; why should not we use our liberty in speech
also, so long as the purpose of speech, to be intelligible, and its grace,
are not interfered with? -James Murray, lexicographer and editor of the
Oxford English Dictionary (7 Feb 1837-1915)
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