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Apr 29, 2022
This week’s themeThere’s a word for it This week’s words typomania epistemology yestereve marcescence aggiornamento This week’s comments AWADmail 1035 Next week’s theme New words A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargaggiornamento
noun: A process of modernization or bringing up to date.
The word came on the radar of the English-speaking world from a
speech given by Pope John XXIII in which he called for a revision of the
church code.
From Italian aggiornamento (updating), from aggiornare (to bring up to
date), from a- (to) + giorno (day), from Latin diurnus (daily) ), from dies
Ultimately from the Indo-European root dyeu- (to shine) that also gave us
adjourn, diary, diet, circadian, journal, journey, quotidian, sojourn,
diva, divine, deify, Jupiter, Jove,
July, Zeus, and Sanskrit deva (god). Earliest documented use: 1962.
“The traditional political parties may believe,
indeed, that it is only a matter of carrying out an aggiornamento,
that all they have to do is ‘modernising’, install an app and get on
the social networks.” Technopolitics and the New Territories for Political Action; openDemocracy (London, UK); Jun 20, 2016. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Science is built with facts as a house is with stones, but a collection of
facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. -Jules Henri
Poincaré, mathematician, physicist, and philosopher (29 Apr 1854-1912)
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