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May 16, 2017
This week’s themeWords that aren’t what they appear to be This week’s words sadiron adoral lust-house bodkin atrophy Get help with your crosswords Crossword Helper A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargadoral
adjective: Located toward the side or end where the mouth is located, especially in animals that don’t have clear upper and lower sides.
From ad- (toward) + oral (relating to the mouth), from Latin os (mouth).
Earliest documented use: 1862.
“The most severe lesions are in the adoral sections of the small intestine.” Chris Cebra, et al.; Llama and Alpaca Care; Saunders; 2014. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
As a general truth, communities prosper and flourish, or droop and decline,
in just the degree that they practise or neglect to practise the primary
duties of justice and humanity. -William Henry Seward, Secretary of State,
Governor, and Senator (16 May 1801-1872)
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