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May 10, 2008
This week's theme14-letter words, 14-letter definitions This week's words acritochromacy tintinnabulate tinctumutation brobdingnagian circumbendibus “All words are pegs to hang ideas on.” ~Beecher Send some to friends & family A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargBack in 1994, when I founded Wordsmith.org on a Pi Day (March 14), I had no idea that one day we'd be celebrating its quadridecennial. Here's what the last 14 years look like in numbers: So far we have sent out 3,782 unique words and 297 AWADmail compilations to 640,000 present subscribers in 200 countries, that is more than 1.6 billion pieces of email. Well, this week we're seeing all things 14. We'll feature words that are 14 letters long, and define each of them in 14 letters.
acritochromacy(uh-KRIT-o-kro-muh-see)noun: Color blindness. [From Greek akritos (undistinguishing) + chroma (color).]
"'But why should the chronicle of a lovely lady's catastrophic impact
upon Oxford be likely to illuminate this affair of bedaubed busts and
pulverising meteorites? And why--acritochromacy,' said a voice almost
in Appleby's ear." X-BonusThe knife disappears with sharpening. -James Richardson, poet, professor (b. 1950) |
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