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AWADmail Issue 796A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
Sponsor’s Message: What do you get the man who has everything, the type who’s been playing a figurative game of oneupmanship his whole life, and crushing it? We’ve literally got the answer -- Oneupmanship -- it’s a cheeky and charming but take-no-prisoners Monopoly for the 21st Century, and will bring out the absolute worst in everyone, guaranteed. There will be winners, and losers; order Oneupmanship asap and see for yourself. Meantime, hat’s off to Email of the Week winner Emma Dove (see below) and all the other brainy one-uppers out there -- life is a game within a game within many other games. Play it to win with style and class >
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: Interesting stories from the Net Those Who Ridiculed My Accent Highlighted Their Ignorance -- Not Mine The Guardian Permalink The Closing of a Great American Dialect Project The New Yorker Permalink From: Linda Owens (lindafowens netzero.net) Subject: drama queen I think I typecast my lovely and thoughtful granddaughter very early. She was six weeks old when I first met her at the train station, where she had come east with her mom and other grandmother -- her dad followed in a truck with furniture and the dog. Anyway, she was already beautiful, petite, and blonde, but her facial expressions kept changing every few seconds, so I assumed she was already very emotional. She has blossomed into a gorgeous and generous teen with carefully controlled emotions, but despite talent in dancing and singing, she has selected Drama as her arts elective in 9th grade. Will she still be classified as a drama queen? Linda Owens, Exeter, Rhode Island From: Kat Karnes (katlanta gmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--illiterati I am an English literature major married to a computer science major. My husband likes to joke with me that he doesn’t understand big words, but sometimes he undermines his shtick with some pretty good puns and insights. I mentioned that I really liked today’s word, illiterati. He said, “Is that a bunch of people who don’t read but are secretly trying to take over the world?” (making a pun of “literati” and “Illuminati”) I responded, “I don’t think they’re being very secret about it.” I’ve been a subscriber since 1998 or 1999. Thanks for nearly two decades of great words and commentary. Kat Karnes, Atlanta, Georgia From: Ben King (bfkiv mindspring.com) Subject: Is this a word? I often use a quip these days that I coined myself, although it’s likely that someone else thought of it first: Obliverati - the oblivious Ben King, Columbus, Ohio From: Elena Martí Segarra (ems171273 hotmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--dastard Thanks for your thought of today: “Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” We, Catalans seeking independence from authoritarian Spain, are in utter despair and perplexity to watch the silence of Europe and the world with respect to our situation. Elena Martí Segarra, Barcelona, Spain From: Martha Nielsen (malbn21 gmail.com) Subject: mammothrept As a grandmother, I take umbrage with the definition of today’s word, mammothrept. I fail to see how being brought-up/nourished by one’s grandmother (literally from the etymology) produces a spoilt child or an immature person! This seems a totally unfair and unfounded generalization, especially when one considers how many grandparents (often the grandmothers) HAVE to raise their grandchildren in today’s world. Martha Nielsen, Providence, Rhode Island
You have a valid point.
A language records the history of its people,
including their biases and misconceptions. That’s how we have
words such as sinister
and gauche and hysterical (from Greek hystera: womb, from the belief that disturbances in the womb caused hysteria). And let’s not
even talk about how we malign our brethren in the animal world.
Also, see the next message.
-Anu Garg From: Emma Dove (emma_dove hotmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--mammothrept This made me think of the Spanish word mamotreto, which roughly translates as “hefty object”. According to the Royal Spanish Language Academy’s dictionary, the meaning of the Spanish term derives from the popular belief that grandmothers raise fat children! Emma Dove, Madrid, Spain From: Lois Mowat (LosCamil aol.com) Subject: Mammothrept I have two adult sons, nine years apart. One Christmas Eve at dinner, my oldest son, probably around 14 or 15 years old then, piped up and said, “I’m surprised we’re not celebrating Heath’s birthday today!” Yes, his baby brother, Heath, was quite spoiled. How clever a remark was that! Lois Mowat, Orinda, California From: Tom Furgas (tofu4879 gmail.com) Subject: This week’s words If the theme of this week’s words had to be guessed at by us readers, it would be very easy to guess; so far, all words describe the current occupant of the White House. Tom Furgas, Youngstown, Ohio From: Thomas Koehler (tvkoehler lakeconnections.net) Subject: drama queen to mammothrept Our dastard drama queen president of the illiterati is a mammothrept samfie. Tom Koehler, Two Harbors, Minnesota From: Alex McCrae (ajmccrae277 gmail.com) Subject: Drama queen and samfie Alex McCrae, Van Nuys, California From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: Anagrams of this week’s words
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Subject: limericks I really wonder what they all mean When they call me a drama queen. So I’m emotional, And I easily bawl, Usually causing a scene. -Lois Mowat, Orinda, California (loscamil aol.com) He can be incredibly mean. His tweeting is never serene. With our POTUS, good grief, Don’t play “Hail to the Chief”, Rather “Hail to the Drama Queen”. -Joan Perrin, Port Jefferson Station, New York (perrinjoan aol.com) The gymnast, a young drama queen, Cried all night for a new trampoline. Then happily bouncing, She said, “I’m announcing I’m pregnant, though just seventeen!” -Janice Power, Cleveland, Ohio (jpower wowway.com) Kneeling doesn’t show disrespect; It’s not conventional, shows a different aspect. But drama queen Trump Can’t help but dump Without pausing to think and reflect. -Marcia Sinclair, Newmarket, Canada (marciasinclair rogers.com) The official response is a mix of lies, white lies, and statistics. All issues at stake, are dismissed as fake. Few that persist, a drama queen’s theatrics! -Shyamal Mukherji, Mumbai, India (mukherjis hotmail.com) “On fires I like to pour gasoline,” Says Donald, the world’s leading drama queen. “It gets such good ratings, Enhancing my matings,” He tweets, as we reach for the Dramamine. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) Fate’s cruel to illiterati Who idolize brash glitterati. Talk radio’s their muse, They trust in faux news, Then distrust the illuminati. -Anna C Johnston, Coarsegold, California (ajohnston13 gmail.com) D. Trump and his illiterati Are fond of the brand Maserati. They can’t write and read, But in fairness, what need? They’re in the Republican party! -Tom Slakey, Santa Clara, California (tomslimericks gmail.com) Trump is haughty and dotty and naughty But smart or considerate? Not he. When he looks in those mirrors What suddenly appears? It’s the King of Illiterati. -Joe Budd Stevens, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (joebuddstevens gmail.com) To Trump and his illiterati A tortilla’s the same as chapati. They judge you on color, Disdain Robert Mueller, And other strange values embody. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) FDR made “dastard” adjectival In declaring Japan our archrival. For with infamous ardor They bombed our harbor. We fought then for freedom’s survival. -Judith S. Fox, Teaneck, New Jersey (Jsfoxrk aol.com) He criticizes others’ faults And all the while himself exalts. When Twitter he’d mastered, It gave to this dastard A platform for all his assaults. -Marion Wolf, Bergenfield, New Jersey (marionewolf yahoo.com) Black despair has at last overmastered my disgust at the words of that dastard. I’m eschewing the crime of the obvious rhyme. Guess instead I’ll go out and get plastered. -Zelda Dvoretzky, Haifa, Israel (zeldahaifa gmail.com) The night we elected this dastard I went to a bar and got plastered. But lo, it’s a miracle, Verses satirical Flow like my prayers have been answered. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) Donald got himself cozy and comfy, Easing in to his new role with oomph-y. “Who knows better than I ‘Make America’ (sly)? But so what if I’m just a shrewd samfie?” -Judith Marks-White, Westport, Connecticut (joodthmw gmail.com) He was a consummate samfie, Who fooled those who did not the sham see. He conned his victims and ran. Why? ‘Cause the samfie man can. And he got away with his scam free. -Vara Devaney, Damascus, Maryland (varadevaney att.net) A samfie is running the nation In a privileged and potent location. His tiny fist rules, He holds all the jewels. Many hope for a quick abdication. -Gayle Tremblay, Saint John, Canada (gayletremblay hotmail.com) When it comes to your company pension plan, Your CEO’s likely a samfie man. With tears in his eyes Your old age he’ll downsize, While his money won’t fit in a moving van. -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) “We’d never have found her, except, full of porridge, the girl overslept,” says Papa Bear. “Oh, we let the kid go. She was just an inept mammothrept.” -Anne Thomas, Sedona, Arizona (antom earthlink.net) Among the world’s leaders inept is one narcissist and mammothrept. His pronouncements are galling. After pride goes the falling! The runt of men, Donald yclept. -Brenda J. Gannam, Brooklyn, New York (gannamconsulting earthlink.net) His mama kept Don in a tux. His papa made Donnie’s life lux. And so, thus beguiled, This mammothrept child Can’t relate to the folks without bucks. -Phyllis Morrow, Fairbanks, Alaska (pmorrow alaska.edu) I knew an obnoxious young mammothrept, who was since his birth by his granma kept. Quite thoroughly spoiled, he never quite toiled, and I wish that he’d walked where his mamma stept. -Bob Richmond, Maryville, Tennessee (rsrichmond gmail.com) With his jets Mr. Price overstepped, Showing taxpayers little respect. Now even his boss Says “We’ll see, for I’m cross, I’m the only allowed mammothrept.” -Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com) A dotard dastard is King Don. Illiterati have aced his con. Their vain drama queen Has trumped the scene. Damn samfie mammothrept begone! -Charles Harp, Victoria, Canada (texzenpro yahoo.com) From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) Subject: Words to proscribe people King to court painter: “Drama Queen without the warts, please.” Give Trump the chance and illiterati Cornish with trash (talk). A couple eloped. He dastard dad but had received “No” for an answer. When I met Clemens I asked samfie would sign my copy of “Tom Sawyer”. The caveman wanted steaks for dinner but the woolly mammothrept him apart. Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
You know full well as I do the value of sisters’ affections: There is
nothing like it in this world. -Charlotte Bronte, novelist and poet
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