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Oct 29, 2007
This week's themeWords related to food This week's words verjuice jentacular cibarious macaronic xerophagy Internet Anagram Server I, Rearrangement Servant May I try your name? A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargThere are times when we have to eat our words, and that's never pleasant. But this week's words are all edible and potable (from Latin edere: to eat, and potare: to drink). Some describe food, others are used metaphorically, and in some cases, the food origin is hidden in the etymology. And we have quite a varied menu. We serve words from French, Latin, Italian, and Greek. Bon appétit! verjuice(VUHR-joos)
noun: The sour juice of unripe grapes, crab apples, etc. From French verjus, from vert (green) + jus (juice).
"Then, leaning forward with a most verjuice expression on his pale face,
he said, 'Give that gentleman half a minute to get out of the way.'" X-BonusTo a poet, silence is an acceptable response, even a flattering one. -Colette, author (1873-1954) |
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