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Dec 25, 2012
This week's themeWords from various languages that built the English language This week's words behoove ugsome abjure purlieu cumshaw The gift of words Send a gift subscription In less than a minute! Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargugsome
adjective: Dreadful, loathsome.
From Old Norse ugga (to fear). As in many typical stories where one child
in a family becomes well-known while the other remains obscure, "ugly" and
"ugsome" are two words derived from the same root -- one is an everyday
word while the other remains uncommon. Earliest documented use: around 1425.
"She believed it was a step in the right direction that would eventually
lead to abolishment of the ugsome deeds befalling all of them." Catherine Ann Sabatino; Voices in the Midst; AuthorHouse; 2010. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Walking is man's best medicine. -Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-377 BCE)
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