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A.Word.A.Day--sardonicsardonic (sahr-DON-ik) adjective Marked by scorn, mockery, and cynicism. [After Sardinia, a large island in the Mediterranean. Eating a Sardinian plant was believed to produce facial convulsions as if in a maniacal laughter.] See more usage examples of sardonic in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. -Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) "In no time the plot becomes less and less tangible as Merde Happens evolves into one long, sardonic diatribe by a Brit about the (exaggerated) strangeness of America -- when his French girlfriend isn't snarking about it." Alan Wong; Sardonic Mirth; The Star (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia); May 9, 2008.
X-BonusThe struggle with evil by means of violence is the same as an attempt to stop a cloud, in order that there may be no rain. -Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher (1828-1910) |
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