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Aug 1, 2012
This week's themeWords that have the plural spelled the same but pronounced differently This week's words corps faux pas rendezvous pince-nez precis Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargrendezvous
noun: 1. A meeting at an agreed time and place. 2. A prearranged meeting place. 3. A popular gathering place: haunt. verb tr., intr.: To meet at a prearranged time or place. ETYMOLOGY:
From French rendez-vous (present yourselves), imperative of rendre
(to present) + vous (you). Earliest documented use: 1556.
"When Zina's husband falls for the ballerina, the two women connive to
trick him, disguising the wife as the potential lover for a rendezvous." Brian Seibert; Playing Up The Humor When Fools Fall in Love; The New York Times; May 31, 2012. See more usage examples of rendezvous in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Since my house burned down / I now own a better view / of the rising moon. -Mizuta Masahide, poet and samurai (1657-1723)
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