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Oct 21, 2011
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with Anu Gargquisle
verb intr.: To betray, especially by collaborating with an enemy.
Back-formation from quisling (traitor), after Norwegian army officer Vidkun
Quisling, who collaborated with the German occupying forces during World War
II. Earliest documented use: 1940.
"The AK and subordinate units made ... 5700 attempts on officers of
different police formations, soldiers, and volksdeutschs (Polish
citizens of German origin that volunteered to quisle with Germans)." Polish Contribution to the Allied Victory in Second World War; Business Recorder (Karachi, Pakistan); Jun 11, 2005. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. -Jane Austen, novelist (1775-1817)
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