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Sep 11, 2014
This week's themeVerbs This week's words disaffect vouchsafe disabuse promulgate dissuade A.Word.A.Day on your site Add the daily word to your web page. It is free. A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargpromulgate
verb tr.: 1. To make a law, rule, etc. known by public declaration. 2. To make publicly known an idea, belief, etc. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin promulgare (to make known), from pro- (forward) + mulgere
(to milk, to cause to come out). Earliest documented use: 1526.
"In recent years the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] has also promulgated
rules limiting the release of mercury and other toxins from power plants." Appalachian Fall; The Economist (London, UK); Sep 28, 2013. See more usage examples of promulgate in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty. -Jessica Mitford, author, journalist, and civil rights activist (1917-1996)
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