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Mar 19, 2013
This week's themeContranyms or words with an opposite set of meanings This week's words secrete peruse second-guess discursive impregnable Make a gift that keeps on giving, all year long: A gift subscription of AWAD A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargperuse
verb tr.: 1. To read or examine with great care. 2. To read or examine in a casual manner. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin per- (thoroughly) + Middle English usen (to use). Earliest
documented use: 1475.
"The paper ... is now being perused by a committee, where it could
be stuck for weeks or months." The Islamists Reap a Reward; The Economist (London, UK); Oct 22, 2011. "Writers can peruse Sitka's online catalog and enroll in courses." Melissa Hart; Country Home; The Writer (Waukesha, Wisconsin); Mar 2013. See more usage examples of peruse in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature's inexhaustible sources of energy -- sun, wind and tide. ... I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. -Thomas Edison, inventor (1847-1931)
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