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with Anu Gargperemptory
adjective:1. Dictatorial. 2. Expressing command or urgency. 3. Not admitting any question or contradiction. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin peremptorius (decisive), from perimere (to take away), from per-
(thoroughly) + emere (to take). Ultimately from the Indo-European root em-
(to take or distribute) that is also the source of words such as example,
sample, assume, consume, prompt, ransom, vintage, and redeem.
"'Easily provoked by minor irritations,' wrote Dimbleby about this period,
'[Charles] became uncharacteristically impatient and peremptory.' The smallest
things would prompt verbal abuse or 'sudden outbursts of rage'."Catherine Bennett; In Princes We Trust ... to Do Absolutely Nothing Useful; The Observer (London, UK); Sep 27, 2009. See more usage examples of peremptory in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The idealists and visionaries, foolish enough to throw caution to the winds and express their ardor and faith in some supreme deed, have advanced mankind and have enriched the world. -Emma Goldman, social activist (1869-1940)
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