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Mar 20, 2017
This week’s themeWords from chemistry This week’s words osmosis solvent caustic bromidic miscible A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargIn my high school I had courses in sciences, mathematics, arts, and more. Looking back I realize that we can learn a lot if we look beyond the literal. In physics, I learned what happens when light goes through lenses, concave and convex. It’s the same light but it appears different depending on what lens we have. In chemistry, I learned what happens when you drop a piece of sodium in water (that experiment wasn’t an official part of the curriculum). Sodium changes. Water changes too. Likewise, when two people meet they should have changed as a result of that meeting. This week we’ll see five words that have meanings specific to chemistry as well as more general meanings. osmosisPRONUNCIATION:
From Greek osmos (a push). Earliest documented use: 1863.
“The golem knew degrees of the human emotion, picking them up from osmosis.” William W. Johnstone; The Devil’s Heart; Zebra; 1984. See more usage examples of osmosis in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
What didn't you do to bury me / But you forgot that I was a seed. -Dinos
Christianopoulos, poet (b. 20 Mar 1931)
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