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Apr 27, 2015
This week’s themeDuoliteral words This week’s words os aa nu ye id Many ways to read AWAD o Email o Web o Twitter o RSS feed o Calendar o On your own website ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargAfter a recent appearance of the word duoliteral in A.Word.A.Day, reader Maurice Herson wrote:
Please, please, let’s have a week of duoliteral words, pretty please.
I’m sure you can find better ones, but let me start off with id, ex,
bi (is this a word now?), do (followed by re, mi, fa, etc. -- no maybe
not that one), do (as in do, does, did), go ... If you’ve got a Scrabble
buff there, they’ll know lots.
Theoretically, there are 676 (26x26) possibilities for duoliteral words in the English language. Of these, only about 100 are real words. And, of those hundred, maybe five are interesting. Well, that’s all we need for a week, so this week we’ll present five words, each with only two letters. Another reader has suggested featuring one-letter words, but I’ll give that a pass. os
noun: 1. A mouth or an orifice. [plural ora] 2. A bone. [plural ossa] ETYMOLOGY:
For 1: From Latin os (mouth). Earliest documented use: 1859. For 2: From Latin os (bone). Earliest documented use: 1400. NOTES:
It also appears as an abbreviation in many fields, including Chemistry: Os - symbol for the element osmium Computing: OS - Operating System Medicine: OS - left eye (from Latin oculus sinister) Linguistics: OS - Old Saxon USAGE:
“Even today, accent suppressants for bands are not uncommon. Robbie
Williams doesn’t narrow his os, Aqualungs Matt Hales doesn’t turn his
fall into full, and while The Rolling Stones can’t get no satisfaction,
they daren’t sing it as their native cant.” Judy Jarvis; Arctic Monkeys: Neo-Punk Exuberance With an Accent; Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, Pennsylvania); Feb 9, 2006. “Naturally, the students couldn’t resist testing the teachers’ knowledge. ‘You’d better slow down,’ they would tell some unsuspecting pedagogue, ‘or you might fall and break your os.’” D.L. Stanley; I Hope This Doesn’t Effectuate Your Dudgeon; Atlanta Inquirer (Georgia); Nov 16, 1996. See more usage examples of os in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation. -Herbert Spencer, philosopher (27 Apr 1820-1903) [See a discussion about the authorship of this quotation here]
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