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Feb 8, 2017
This week’s themeEponyms This week’s words gnathonic bovarism Mrs. Grundy struwwelpeter gargantua
Mrs. Grundy, a teacher in Archie Comics, is inspired by the original Mrs. Grundy
Illustration: Bob Montana/Jackpot Comics, 1941
with Anu GargMrs. Grundy
noun: An extremely conventional or priggish person.
After Mrs. Grundy, a character in the 1798 play Speed the Plough by
Thomas Morton. Mrs. Grundy never appears on the stage, but her neighbor
Dame Ashfield constantly worries about “What will Mrs. Grundy say?”
Earliest documented use: 1813.
“The government cannot become a Mrs. Grundy, advising people how many
kids they should have, what moral values they should adhere to, or
what they should read or watch.” Yusuf Kanli; Is the State a Mrs Grundy?; Turkish Daily News (Ankara); Sep 29, 2008. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty small package. -John
Ruskin, author, art critic, and social reformer (8 Feb 1819-1900)
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