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May 9, 2024
This week’s themeWords related to mail This week’s words snail mail greenmail postal mailed fist graymail Image: Niroflex
with Anu Gargmailed fist
noun: A threat or show of force to maintain control.
Translation of German gepanzerte Faust (mailed fist), from Panzer
(armor) + Faust (fist). The word mail here is an armor made of interlinked
rings, as in chain mail, from Old French maile (loop). Earliest documented
use: 1897.]
On Dec 16, 1897, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany sent his brother,
Prince Henry, to take action in China with the instructions “fahre darein
mit gepanzerter Faust ...” No, the emperor wasn’t telling his little
brother to read Goethe’s literary work Faust, which explores themes of
power and ambition. Faust here is, literally, a fist (nouns are capitalized
in German), emphasizing a direct approach using military strength.
“[Field Marshal John French] always felt conflicted over Ireland and
vacillated between the mailed fist and the hand of friendship towards
the Irish.” Ronan McGreevy; An Irishman’s Diary; Irish Times (Dublin); May 8, 2018. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and
writes another, and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it
is with what he vowed to make it. -J.M. Barrie, novelist and playwright (9
May 1860-1937)
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