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Oct 7, 2020
This week’s themeWords coined after mythical creatures This week’s words unicorn bunyip gremlin snark Bigfoot
A WWII industrial safety poster
Image: NARA / Wikimedia
with Anu Garggremlin
noun: A source of trouble, especially problems of technical nature.
Of uncertain origin. Perhaps from an alteration of the word goblin or
from Irish gruaimin (a gloomy person). Earliest documented use: 1929.
Originally, the word gremlin was Royal Air Force slang for a low-level
employee. From there it evolved to refer to a mythical creature responsible
for problems in aircraft. The word was popularized by the novelist Roald Dahl,
a former fighter pilot with the RAF, when he published his children’s book
The Gremlins in 1943. It’s not certain how the term was coined.
“Nobody who has watched the virtual assemblies could hail them as a
success, troubled as they have been with technological gremlins.” John Ivison; Time to Cancel the “Morning Show”; The Vancouver Sun (Canada); May 22, 2020. See more usage examples of gremlin in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a
very narrow field. -Niels Bohr, physicist, Nobel laureate (7 Oct 1885-1962)
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