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Mar 6, 2012
This week's themeSlang This week's words phat goo-goo props glom shambolic Have your say in our discussion forum Wordsmith Talk Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Garggoo-goo
adjective: Amorous. noun: A naive advocate of a political reform. ETYMOLOGY:
For adjective: Perhaps from goggle (to stare with bulging eyes). Earliest documented use: 1900. For noun: Shortening of "good government". Earliest documented use: 1912. USAGE:
"Of course former rivals morph into allies all the time. John McCain now
makes goo-goo eyes at Romney." Frank Bruni; Embracing the Pretzel; The New York Times; Jan 16, 2012. "His once frequent talk of changing Washington helped create the impression that Obama was a goo-goo, a dreamer, when he is in fact more of a realist than a radical." Jon Meacham; What Happened to Obama's Armageddon?; Newsweek (New York); May 14, 2010. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
When you see a man led to prison say in your heart, "Mayhap he is escaping from a narrower prison." And when you see a man drunken say in your heart, "Mayhap he sought escape from something still more unbeautiful." -Kahlil Gibran, poet and artist (1883-1931)
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