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Aug 16, 2011
This week's themeWords that have many unrelated meanings This week's words coronary fugue marrow talus billet
Bach, Fugue 7 in E-flat major
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with Anu Gargfugue
noun:1. A musical form in which a theme is repeated in several voices and developed into a complex pattern. 2. A pathological state of consciousness in which someone appears to be conscious of one's actions but has no memory of them after returning to a normal state. ETYMOLOGY:
From Italian fuga (escape, flight), from Latin fuga (flight), from fugere
(to flee) which is also the source of fugitive, centrifugal, subterfuge,
refuge, and fugacious. Earliest
documented use: 1597.
"The balance between strings, harpsichord, and flute was spot on during
the meshing lines of the fugue."Libby Hanssen; Second Summerfest Concert Challenges the Status Quo; Kansas City Star; Jul 17, 2011. "On the subway home, I opened my bags to see what, in my shopping-induced fugue state, I had actually purchased." Ariel Kaminer; It's Always Sunny in Targetland; The New York Times; Jul 30, 2010. See more usage examples of fugue in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
They laughed when I said I was going to be a comedian. They're not laughing now. -Bob Monkhouse, comedian (1928-2003)
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