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with Anu Gargferal
adjective: 1. Wild or untamed. 2. Having reverted from domestication to the wild state. 3. Ferocious. 4. Deadly. 5. Relating to the dead; gloomy. ETYMOLOGY:
For 1-3: From Latin fera (wild animal), from ferus (wild). Ultimately from the
Indo-European root ghwer- (wild beast), which also gave us fierce and
theropod. Earliest documented use: 1604. For 4-5: From Latin feralis (relating to funeral rites or the dead). Earliest documented use: 1621. USAGE:
"The infamous beer-guzzling feral pig who died two months ago could get
a plaque at a West Australian rest stop commemorating his unusual life." Beer-Loving Feral Pig Could Get Plaque; Sky News Australia; Dec 2, 2013. "Coffin wondered if the coyotes were congregating in the cemetery, waiting for full dark to sing their feral song." Jon Loomis; High Season; Minotaur Books; 2007. See more usage examples of feral in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. -Joseph Addison, writer (1672-1719)
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