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Dec 20, 2007
This week's themeYours to discover This week's words anthropomorphize kafkaesque dysphagia excursive jabberwocky Read it today Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day--excursiveexcursive (ik-SKUR-siv) adjective Tending to wander off; rambling. [From Latin excurrere (to run out), from ex- (out) + currere (to run). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kers- (to run) that's also the source of car, career, carpenter, occur, discharge, and caricature. Why caricature? Because a caricature is a loaded or distorted picture of someone.]
"Through a succession of journeys shaped by the caprices of the bus
companies, he conjures a narrative that is excursive, digressive and
diverting beyond measure." See more usage examples of excursive in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. X-BonusI cannot conceive otherwise than that He, the Infinite Father, expects or requires no worship or praise from us, but that He is even infinitely above it. -Benjamin Franklin, statesman, author, and inventor (1706-1790) |
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