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May 21, 2012
This week's themeMetallic metaphors This week's words copperplate tin god brass ring iron curtain silver lining
How to write copperplate
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with Anu GargThe word metal evokes different images based on who or where you are. To an investor it may be precious metals, to a music enthusiast it may mean heavy metal. Again, the term heavy metal has an entirely different meaning to a scientist. This week we're going to get into metalinguistics, make that metal-linguistics. We're going metallic with words based on these metals and alloys: copper, tin, brass, iron, and silver. copperplate
noun: A fine style of handwriting marked by flowing shapes and strokes of varying width.
After engraved or etched copper plates used in printing on which this
style of handwriting is based. Earliest documented use: 1663.
"Harriet opened the envelope and pulled out a thick piece of white paper
covered in perfect copperplate handwriting." Penny Vincenzi; Baby Knows Best; The Daily Express (London, UK); Mar 19, 2012. See more usage examples of copperplate in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. -Walt Whitman, poet (1819-1892)
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